June 2024

The Book of 1 Samuel


Our goal at Morning Star is for God to allow us to provide provision to the people of our city who are in desperate need. Whether you're in desperate need of food and you are one of our recipients or you're in desperate need of healing in your body or in an area of your family. We are all in the same boat of hoping, longing, and praying for the deperate need of someone greater than us to move with POWER In our lives and that is JESUS CHRIST.

What Does God See When He Looks at Your Heart?

The heroes of the Bible offer complex, flawed examples of leadership. Their stories prompt us to examine the difference between our outward appearance and what God sees in our hearts.  In this ten-session series, pastor and author Sharon Hodde Miller guides us through the book of 1 Samuel, exploring the frailty of the human heart and the faithfulness of God.

Our prayer for you is that you know he sees and absolutely cares.
The Lord will test you in extreme measures, you have the choice to respond in anger and resistance or faith and acceptance knowing he sees all and will come through in ways you never knew he could.

Where is he testing you right now?
 How will you respond?

Featured verse:
1 Samuel 16:7
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

Check out this video on RightNowMedia by SHARON HODDE MILLER.

We know you will be greatly encouraged as she goes in detail of the book of 1 Samuel.